Personal Projects: Nenka Ukraine
(Mother Ukraine)
I have a very personal relationship with Ukraine.
For a long time now it’s been my second home country and I’m calling it Nen’ka, my Mother Ukraine.
Lots of beautiful memories of people, of places has been gone with help of the Russian bombs.
This year, 24 of February became day of my nightmare, when I woke up in white mountains with the news about bombing my beloved Kyiv.
It was shocking and it’s still going on…
I had this feelings almost for few times and I’m scared of the war,most of all in this world.
In 1991 when I was a little girl and Russia entered my land and took away the part of it, the paradise called Abkhazia, which looks like Crimea of Ukraine, with part of Black sea and also in 2008 when again same Russia entered Georgia and took South Ossetia.
Parts where we are not allowed to enter as Georgian citizens with our passports because it’s under Russian control and they are moving borders till now, every day.
For this moment 20 % of my home country, Georgia is occupied by Russia and war is going on in my second home country - Ukraine, where also almost 20 % is under control of our common monster - neighbor.
I know what it means to be a refugee in your own country and I understand how hard it is to leave everything what u loved,what u built, what u care for and especially who u love, just to survived.
In my double exposure photos, I took photos of cities from the Internet, so u can see them, how they look now and make portraits of brave Ukrainian women, who became refugees and live now in Georgia, until Ukraine wins this war and they go back home.