Personal Projects: #MeToo
Public awareness on sexual harassment and domestic violence is very low.We do not really realize, what happens and how.We often question ourselves: “Maybe I am mistaken,maybe this is just my fantasy, maybe that’s how it must be ?”We are ashamed of our own thoughts even when we are victims.Maybe this is the reason why we do not understand, how huge the problem is, how big threat we face.When I look at the statistics in Georgia, I feel scared.I am scared because of each and every kid, who’s rights are not protected, because of every teen girl, who’s afraid and ashamed of talking about sexual harassment or what is happening behind their home doors,because of every woman,for whom this is a tabooed topic, who tries to forget everything she has seen.And most of all, I am scared of the women, who pretend that sexual harassment does not exist, that everything what is happening must stay in their own walls, who say there is no cause for alarm, but they live with the constant feeling of insecurity, especially when they stay alone with themselves.
It’s hard and difficult to be a woman in Georgia.
Probably, it’s the same in other countries, but I can talk only about mine, Sakartvelo and what I see here, is the ability of women to keep collective silence, and this is the biggest crime, for me.We have to start talking and listening to each other, we have to be more brave and we need to learn how to break silence about sexual harassment and domestic violence around us.
I asked women to bring me to the places where it was happen and to show the clothes which they were wearing during that day.As Georgia is very small and its very easy to recognise persons I didn't wanted to show their faces, but I will show mine, because I'm already ready to talk about it, without shame.